Disable Autocompleters in the WordPress Block Editor

We can use filters to disable autocompleters in the WordPress block editor. By default, the block editor registers three autocompleters: users, links, and blocks. To see what autocompleters are registered in our block editor, we can write something like this in the browser console:

const getCompleters = (completers) => { console.log(completers) };

wp.hooks.addFilter('editor.Autocomplete.completers', 'my-example-namespace', getCompleters);

Now when we take any action that fires one of the autocompleters (such as searching for a block in the block appender), we’ll see an array of objects logged to the console:

Disable an autocompleter

Let’s say we want to disable the links autocompleter, which enables users to search for posts to link by typing [[ followed by a string of text.

To do this we can write an addFilter just like the one used above to log out a list of autocompleters. In this case, our filter callback function will instead use the JavaScript array filter method to remove the links object from the autocompleters array:

const disableLinksCompleter = (completers) => (
  completers.filter((content) => 'links' !== content.name)

wp.hooks.addFilter('editor.Autocomplete.completers', 'my-example-namespace', disableLinksCompleter);

After applying this filter, we will no longer see a list of matching posts populated when typing [[ in the block editor.

Looking to change the trigger (character combination) used for one or more autocompleters in the WordPress block editor? I wrote a separate blog post about that here.

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Ryan Neilson is a software developer from Nova Scotia, Canada, where he lives with his wife and their menagerie of pets. He has worked extensively with PHP, WordPress, JavaScript, React, SCSS and CSS. Ryan can be found professionally at X-Team, where he works as a lead software engineer.